
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Marker float

Today Merlin and I went down to Wylands after school again - not to fish, but to lead around with a marker float. We stopped off at Kent Tackle en route to buy the marker float - we settled on an Avid Carp Marker Kit which is composed of a float, two beads and two leads of 3.5 and 4.5oz.

When we arrived we quickly went round to our spots at the far end of New Speci, and proceeded to lead around and plumb the depths. Merlin was doing the casting and I wrote down what we found out. I made a diagram of the lake and numbered spots where we cast to, then I wrote down the depth information.

This trip also gave me a chance to test the camera, and I've attached a few sample pictures. I'm still getting to grips with it so some of the pictures I took were inevitably blurry, but I got a few decent ones - the wonders of modern technology!

Marker float, complete with snag!

New Speci looks bare after all the work.

A rather nice picture of some gorse, if I do say so myself!
I realise this hasn't been a particularly long blog, and I warn you that it may also be a week or two before we get out on the bank again, but I will hopefully be able to make my first KCGD video at some point, maybe on making rigs, or a review of some gear of mine.

On a final note, if anyone has an idea for a name for the camera, feel free to share it with me!

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